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李宗瑞继母 Recruitment for 2023 China Racer in top gear - 男女性爱图片
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    李宗瑞继母 Recruitment for 2023 China Racer in top gear
    发布日期:2024-07-20 05:16    点击次数:164

    李宗瑞继母 Recruitment for 2023 China Racer in top gear

    A thrilling race enabling the public to experience the fun of eSports and racing is going on in Jiading District with a display of racing cars李宗瑞继母, presenting a visual feast for eSports and racing enthusiasts.

    An open recruitment for 2023 China Racer is ongoing at Life Hub@Anting Plaza in Shanghai International Automobile City between Friday and Sunday.

    The eSports gala, blending virtual world and reality and automobile science and technology, presents a platform of automobile, culture, entertainment and trendy lifestyle.

    It aims to enable the younger generation to experience emerging sports activities and trendy lifestyle and promote the idea of green sports.

    After more than one month of preliminary competitions李宗瑞继母, the audition attracted top-level eSports racing players.

    However, it is more than a competition.

    A display of KTM and Radical cars is also featured. A simulator experience area and a racing car bazaar will further enrich audiences' experience.

    "The threshold of application is only a driving license as we invite all racing lovers to pursue their dreams and enjoy the fun of eSports and racing," said Yan Ren, general manager of Motorsports Culture.

    Yan said road safety knowledge is promoted among the younger generation during the event.

    The audition recruitment is held at Shanghai International Automobile City as it represents an automobile industry high ground where the innovation of intelligent driving technology, new-energy automobiles, digitalization and China's auto culture thrive, said Yan.

    China's auto culture is young, but it has a promising future and huge development potentials and opportunities, she added.


    The Chinese Grand Prix is anticipated to return at Shanghai International Circuit in the automobile city in 2024李宗瑞继母, which will also be the 20th anniversary of the circuit's founding.

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